Out Of Darkness Was A Moving Reflection

On Tuesday 21 March, pupils from Year 7-13 performed Out Of Darkness, a reflection on the Stations of the Cross.
The performance took place in Our Lady Of The Angels Chapel and included meditations through reflections, mime, music and song.
The Stations of the Cross is a devotional commemoration of Jesus Christ’s journey from the moment of his condemnation by Pontius Pilate to his death and burial. The 14 stations, focus on specific events of his last day. The journey from station to station is often considered as a mini pilgrimage, and at each station there is the opportunity to reflect and meditate.
The reflections and prayers used in the production were based on the words of Fr Slavko Barbaric who for many years served as parish priest in Medjugorje, Bosnia Hercegovina, a place of pilgrimage and devotion to Mary, Queen of Peace. The final part of the presentation had the actors standing with lit candles while the choir sang Because He Lives, by Matt Maher, a song which speaks of the light of the resurrection.
Feedback on the performance included: 'The music was really stunning', 'I loved the simplicity of the frieze technique to portray each station - really powerful' and ‘thank you for such a moving evening of reflections, everything was so beautifully done’.
A collection was taken for Aid to the Church in Need for their work supporting refugees and Christians facing persecution and for the Friends of the Holy Land for their work supporting Christians in the lands of the Bible and we were delighted that Teresa Kehoe and Peter Rand were there to represent each charity and for the donations given towards each of these great causes.
A huge well done to all the performers and to the backstage crew on a really moving and thought provoking production.