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Two Winners For This Year's Christmas Card Competition

01 Dec

Our annual Christmas card competition had two winners this year, with the Foundation Principal, Ed Hester and Headmaster, Grove du Toit, both choosing designs from the many stunning entries submitted by pupils.

For the College, Mr du Toit selected, Year 7, Rosie Russell’s super drawing featuring the iconic Princethorpe tower, framed by Christmas holly and red berries. While for his Christmas card, Mr Hester chose Lower Sixth Former, Amaanya Bose’s striking lino print design of the Princethorpe tower and star of Bethlehem against the night sky.

Head of Art, Paul Hubball, commented, "We had a strong field of entries this year, with plenty of original ideas, bright colours and lots of attention to detail. Both designs are worthy winners and are great choices for this year's Christmas cards."

Congratulations also go to the Highly Commended entries, whose designs feature as cameos on the reverse of the cards: Year 8, Mabel Chapman, Year 11, Bea Taylor and Lower Sixth Former, Genevieve Slater-Tucker.