Year 7 Enjoy Roman Day
06 Oct
The Roman Legionary invaded Princethorpe College on Wednesday 4 October armed with swords and scutums (shields) and ready to do battle.
It was Year 7 Roman Day, a day full of tales of blood and gore, as pupils learn about the professional heavy infantryman of the Roman army.
Lucky class ‘volunteers’ dressed up in body armour and handled weapons as Gladiatrix Lisa, captivated the new recruits with fascinating facts about all things Roman. Year 7 were treated to lessons in sword skills and battle tactics and practised marching in the testudo formation adopting the shield wall formation commonly used by the Roman legions in battle.
@getthespecialists brought to life the strategic tactics and organisation of the Roman fighting machine. With replica costumes and equipment their sessions complemented the lessons Year 7 have been studying in History this half term.