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House Activities Day Explored Our Wonderful Planet

03 Jul

Princethorpe pupils ventured off around our wonderful earth in a series of themed activities for this year’s House Activities Day. The biggest event of the House year, it is always a real favourite with pupils who go all out to win the house points up for grabs.

After an introductory briefing from House Activities Leader Jess Newborough, pupils set of in their form groups to work on a series of activities and challenges around the school. Whether taking on the Yetis in the Himalayan Glacier Challenge on the Close, recreating Our Colourful Planet in Art, creating water purifying systems out on the North Lawn, following in the footsteps of dinosaurs around the Mile Walk, enjoying an Under The Sea roller disco in the Sports Hall, working as a pack in The Hunt on the Astro, setting up a small holding in the Good Life, reliving the magic of David Attenborough iconic nature films or taking on Mr Cowlishaw and Mr Spencer’s Taskmaster challenges, it really was a non-stop day full of fantastic fun.

After all the activities had been completed, the school came together for a finale. Mrs Newborough thanked everyone for their participation.

A huge well done to everyone for taking part and an absolutely massive thank you to those who made the day possible especially House Activities Leader, Jess Newborough, the House Activities Co-ordinators, Ellie Callan, Hannah Carminati, Berenice Galano and Meg O’Gorman and our stalwart Sixth Form House Captains who all worked so hard to make House Activities Day so much fun.