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Princethorpe's Girls Are Choosing Computer Science

22 May

Increasing numbers of girls at Princethorpe College are choosing to study Computer Science to learn the skills necessary for them to create new technologies. 

Thirteen girls have opted to study Computer Science in Year 9 next academic year, recognising the subject as an interesting and viable career option.

Those who choose to study Computer Science at Princethorpe College are very successful at it, with girls currently studying the subject on track to achieve outstanding grades in their Computer Science GCSE and A-level courses. Pictured are some of the girls choosing to study Computer Science with Computer Science Subject Ambassador, Chris Lock.

Computer Science is a core part of the Year 7 and Year 8 curriculum, with the department team providing a positive environment where girls and boys are encouraged to develop computational thinking skills and learn how to code. The Computer Science department works hard to promote the subject to girls by actively championing female role models for the subject, such as computer scientists Grace Hopper and Margaret Hamilton. The Computer Science teachers network girls interested in the subject and provide lunchtime and after school opportunities for all pupils to learn more.

Teacher of Computer Science, Edward Musson, says, “Through positive exposure and targeted encouragement, we are seeing an increase in the number of girls opting to study Computer Science and develop in demand programming skills. Our older girls are great role models for the younger years, helping to breakdown stereotypes and show that girls at Princethorpe achieve at the highest level. In Year 10, three of our top four attaining pupils studying Computer Science are girls.”

It’s fantastic to see girls embracing the opportunities Computer Science provides - learning skills to enable successful 21st century information technology careers.

Tagged  2022-2023  Academic