Girls Claim The Tour Cup In The Return Leg Of The Hopbel Dutch Hockey Tour

The College was once again delighted to welcome Dutch hockey club, De Hopbel to Princethorpe for the return leg of our long-standing exchange programme.
Organised by the Sports department, over the last 15 years hundreds of pupils have participated in the hockey training camp and enjoyed the opportunity to experience another country and culture.
This latest six-day tour, from Friday 28 April to Wednesday 3 May, saw our visitors enjoy plenty sightseeing alongside all their hockey training and matches. Amongst their trips out our guests enjoyed the sights of Stratford-upon-Avon and the thrills of Drayton Manor Theme Park as well as enjoying a tour barbeque on the Sixth Form Lawn on Sunday evening.
This year’s tour saw 45 girls and boys enjoying life with their Princethorpe host families reciprocating the bonhomie and generosity our pupils received back in October 2022.
De Hopbel played a total of nine matches against various Princethorpe teams while they were with us, and the College was delighted that Princethorpe's girls were victorious this time round claiming back the coveted Tour Cup.
Summing up the visit, Head of Girls’ Games, Jen Law, said, “Our annual hockey exchange is a great experience for us all, we make so many friends, learn about each other’s cultures and get a fantastic insight into the way that another country plays our favourite game!”
Huge thanks to all the host families who welcomed our Dutch visitors into their homes and to all the staff involved in organising and supporting the trip.