Lower Sixth Physicists Rise To The Senior Physics Challenge

During March, Princethorpe’s Lower Sixth physicists had their second opportunity to take part in the British Physics Olympiad Year 12 Senior Physics Challenge.
Competing against over 6,000 pupils from almost 400 schools nationwide, the students sat a gruelling one hour long written paper, where none of the marks were easy to get.
Head of Physics, Dan Lee, was delighted with the results, commenting, “Congratulations to all, it is great to see our students succeeding in the toughest school-level Physics competition there is.”
Special mentions go to Alex Flegg who was awarded a Silver certificate and was just two marks off a Gold, and to Joseph Newborough, who is the first Princethorpe College pupil to achieve Gold in the Year 12 Senior Challenge. Joseph has now been entered into a ballot to win a visit to the Royal Society in London later this year.
Congratulations also to Jack Grindal and Chris Lock who were awarded Bronze 1 certificates, to Zak Abba, Louis Harper, Emma Sarkies and Andy Wills who received Bronze 2 certificates and to Jake Lambert who received a Commendation certificate.