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College Sixth Formers Win Local Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

03 Feb

Lower Sixth Formers Pratheesh Prabakaran, Toby Pearton and Annabel Koster are the winners of this year’s local Youth Speaks competition, the Rotary Club’s well-respected public speaking challenge. 

The Princethorpe College students saw off stiff competition from teams of pupils from other local schools in the district round held in Warwick on Wednesday 2 February.

Youth Speaks requires a team of three students to stand up and deliver a speech on a subject of their choice. It provides a great opportunity for young people to develop the ability to speak on a public platform, carry out research and formulate ideas, improve their self-confidence and presentation skills, and work together as a team.

Each competing team comprises of a Chairman, a Proposer and an Opposer. The Chairman introduces the debate and the Proposer and Opposer then speak for and against the motion. The structure of the event makes for an entertaining and diverting session where the students not only have to present clearly, but also spontaneously respond.

Competing in the Senior section, the team debated the motion ‘This house believes that issues of National Security should take precedence over all other legal considerations.’

Pratheesh Prabakaran, introduced the debate as Chairman, Toby Pearton spoke in favour of the motion and Annabel Koster against. The students were eloquent and convincing, and they handled challenging questions well. Their speech was very well received with the audience engaged throughout.

The team had worked hard to prepare thoroughly. They were helped and supported by Head of English, Chris Kerrigan who commented, “The chief adjudicator said the decision was unanimous and that it was rare for them all to agree. I knew they’d won immediately after their performance as it was so polished. It was a tightly fought competition and they put in an outstanding effort. These young people have been a joy to work with.”

The team thoroughly enjoyed the evening and learned a lot from listening to the other teams who took part. Congratulations to them all.