Record Numbers For OPs Rugby Pub Meet
10 Mar
The Old Princethorpians’ Pub Meet at Inside the 22 in Rugby on Friday 6 March, was the association's most popular pub meet ever with well over 50 OPs and Old Crescentians in attendance, including current and former members of staff.
There was a lovely friendly atmosphere as OPs from across the decades socialised and caught up with each other's news over drinks and a delicious buffet. The leavers of 2014 were once again out in force including former Head Boy, Paddy Mills and Head Girl Hannah Brindley, plus strong contingents from the Cahill, Lowe, Hedderwick, Hilditch and Lea families.
Our next gathering is the London Pub Meet at Balthazar, Covent Garden on Friday 15 May. Visit the events page at Princethorpe Connect to let us know if you would like to attend.
To see further pictures from the evening login to Princethorpe Connect here.