Whole School Assembly Marks The Start Of A New School Year
02 Sep
The start of term assembly saw the Headmaster leading the whole school in prayer, before reflecting on the hard work of the year gone by and the fine performances in the summer exams.
This first opportunity to pause and participate in collective worship gave the school community a chance to come together, to experience a sense of belonging and of common ethos.
The Headmaster welcomed new staff and new pupils to the Princethorpe community. He reflected on the summer holidays, sharing news of both school and personal summer achievements.
Pupils were reminded of the tenets of our community, to be kind and do your best, and of the community’s focus for the new school year.
The assembly came to a rousing close with a strong rendition of the new College Hymn, Christus Regnet, reminding all those assembled of the College’s ethos and mission.
It was an excellent start to the new school year.