Festivities Commence With House Sixth Form Christmas Tree Competition
Sixth Form House teams gathered excitedly at lunchtime on Friday 29 November for the annual House Christmas Tree competition.
Christmas songs echoed in the atrium and fellow students crowded around the balconies as the anticipation built.
Down on the ground floor four teams of six students opened boxes, took off their jackets and rolled up their sleeves. In front of each of them lay the components of an artificial tree and a box of lights and decorations.
Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie, briefed the teams and sent them speedily on their way. Quickly piecing together the jigsaw of branches, the trees began to take shape. Lights were unravelled and artistically draped, decorations hung and then with seconds to spare, and one final stretch, stars were positioned on the top.
This year’s guest judges from the IT team, Amraize Ajaib, Luke Colthart and Elliot Perkins considered the originality, appearance, balance, up-cycle contribution and House spirit before declaring the result. In first place was More followed by Austin, Benet and then Fisher.
Well done everyone, the countdown to Christmas has begun.