Year 9 Explored Churchill's War Rooms
27 Jan
Year 9 explored Churchill’s War Rooms in support of their studies of World War Two. History classes 9L, 9K and 9S travelled to London on Monday 20 January with the remaining classes visiting on Friday 24 January, which co-incidentally was the 60th anniversary of Churchill’s death.
The trip provided fantastic enrichment for their history studies, bringing to life the tense days and nights of the Second World War. As well as exploring the underground nerve centre where Churchill and his generals directed the course of the war, pupils had a walking tour of Westminster discovering statues, monuments and landmarks linked to their history studies of the Suffragettes and Suffragists in the Michaelmas Term.
The visit was also excellent preparation for those looking to study History at GCSE, supporting the component that explores the Rise of Hitler.
It was an informative and fascinating day for them all.