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Try Tag Rugby Was Tremendous Fun

28 Jan

Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from local primary schools enjoyed an introduction to the sport of Rugby when they took part in Princethorpe's Try Tag Rugby event. The after-school session took place on Friday 24 January and was led by the College's Young Sports Leaders.

Working in small groups, with Sixth Form students and PE staff, the children started with some fun warm up activities. They then enjoyed skill building drills before finishing with a mini game played in front of an enthusiastic crowd of parents. Of course, after all that energetic fun the youngsters were sent on their way clutching certificates and a legendary Princethorpe cookie.

The successful workshop was just one of a series of activities and opportunities the College organises for prospective pupils to introduce and familiarise youngsters with the school. Next up on the sporting front is Princethorpe’s High 5 Netball Tournament for local primary schools on Tuesday 11 March.

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